Subaru never fails to deliver a delightful combination of humor and heart in their “Dog Tested, Dog Approved” commercials. Their latest gem, “Drive Thru,” is no exception. This clever ad captures the charm of two adventurous canine friends as they attempt to grab a bite from their favorite fast-food spot—only to run into a hilariously relatable issue.
The commercial opens with the two dogs cruising through town in their trusty Subaru, radiating confidence and excitement. The driver, a composed and focused Golden Retriever, steers with ease while his co-pilot, a slightly more eager and wide-eyed Yellow Lab, eagerly scans the horizon. Their mission? Satisfy their hunger with a pit stop at their go-to fast-food drive-thru. The vibe is lighthearted, and the dogs’ calm determination immediately sets the tone for what’s sure to be a memorable adventure.
As they pull up to the drive-thru speaker, the Golden Retriever takes the lead, rolling down the window to place their order. But instead of hearing the friendly voice of an employee, the dogs are met with an unexpected roadblock: pure static blares from the speaker. They both freeze, ears perked, eyes locked on the speaker as if trying to decipher the incomprehensible noise.
The dogs’ reactions are nothing short of comedic gold. The Golden Retriever tilts his head slightly, his calm demeanor now mixed with confusion, while the Yellow Lab glances at his friend as if to say, “What now?” It’s a moment that’s universally relatable to anyone who’s ever struggled with a faulty drive-thru speaker. Their silent exchange of glances, full of emotion and shared understanding, is both hilarious and endearing.
Subaru’s ability to anthropomorphize their furry stars shines in this ad. Without a single word spoken, the dogs convey a range of emotions—excitement, confusion, frustration, and resignation—all through subtle movements and expressions. It’s a testament to the ad’s clever direction and the universal appeal of dogs, who manage to turn even the simplest situations into moments of joy and laughter.
The commercial ends with the dogs deciding to move forward, leaving viewers wondering if they’ll brave the next challenge or find another way to satisfy their cravings. Either way, the ad perfectly encapsulates the humor and charm that make Subaru’s campaigns so unforgettable.
If you haven’t seen “Drive Thru” yet, you’re in for a treat. It’s a lighthearted, laugh-out-loud reminder of why we adore our four-legged friends—and why Subaru continues to nail it with their “Dog Tested, Dog Approved” series.