9 Frogs You’ll Love To Keep As Pets (And 3 You Should Avoid)


Frogs make fascinating and enjoyable pets that can add a touch of nature to any home. Choosing the right species is important to ensure the frog’s health and your satisfaction as an owner. Some frogs are low-maintenance and adapt well to different environments, while others demand more specialized care. In this guide, we’ll highlight some of the best frogs to keep as pets and a few that are better left in the wild so you can find the perfect amphibian companion.

African Bullfrog


The African Bullfrog is popular due to its impressive size and bold personality. These frogs can grow up to 9 inches long, making them a striking presence in any tank. They require a large space with humidity control to mimic their natural habitat. While relatively low-maintenance, African Bullfrogs are best suited for experienced owners due to their powerful bite when threatened.

American Green Tree Frog


The American Green Tree Frog is a small and easy-to-care-for species perfect for beginners. Known for their vibrant green coloration, these frogs enjoy climbing and thrive in vertical tanks with plants. They are calm and quiet, making them great for families. However, they do require a humidity-controlled environment, which needs regular monitoring to ensure their health.

Tomato Frog


Tomato Frogs are visually captivating due to their bright red-orange color, making them a favorite among pet owners. These frogs are low-maintenance, requiring only a tank with proper humidity and a few hiding spots. When threatened, they secrete a sticky substance as a defense mechanism. Despite being easy to care for, handling should be done gently to prevent stress.

Red-Eyed Tree Frog


The Red-Eyed Tree Frog is one of the most beautiful frogs with its vivid green body and bright red eyes. These frogs are arboreal, meaning they enjoy climbing, requiring a tall tank with plenty of branches. They thrive in humid environments and feed primarily on insects. While they need more attention than other frogs, their stunning appearance and gentle demeanor make them great pets for dedicated owners.

Common Leopard Frog


Common Leopard Frogs are hardy and versatile, making them a good option for beginners. They have a calm nature and can be kept in either terrestrial or semi-aquatic environments. Adorned with dark spots, their green bodies resemble a leopard’s coat, giving them a unique appearance. These omnivorous frogs are easy to care for and will eat a variety of insects.

Brazilian Milk Frog


The Brazilian Milk Frog is admired for its striking blue and green color, making it a visually stunning pet. This species is arboreal and requires a tank with vertical space for climbing. They are relatively easy to care for, but a humid environment is essential for their health. Their calm demeanor and beautiful appearance make them popular among frog enthusiasts.

Budgett’s Frog


Budgett’s Frogs are large and aggressive, requiring experienced pet owners to handle their care. These predatory frogs have lightning-fast reflexes and will eagerly hunt almost anything they can catch. They require a large tank with both land and water areas to mimic their natural environment. Despite their intimidating nature, Budgett’s Frogs can be fascinating to watch, especially during feeding times.

Fire-Bellied Toad


Although technically a toad, the Fire-Bellied Toad is an excellent amphibian to keep as a pet. These small toads have vibrant red-orange bellies and enjoy their tanks’ land and water areas. Fire-bellied toads are social and often bask in groups, adding a lively presence to your home. Their playful nature and easy care make them a great choice for beginner pet owners.

Ornate Horned Frog


The Ornate Horned Frog, also known as the South American Horned Frog, is a fascinating species with a calm and sedentary nature. These large frogs have a distinctive look with their heavy bodies and wide mouths. They spend most of their time sitting in one spot, waiting for food to come to them. With proper care and a spacious tank, Ornate Horned Frogs make excellent pets for experienced owners.

Frogs You Shouldn’t Keep As Pets


While many frogs make wonderful pets, certain species are more difficult to care for and should be avoided by most hobbyists. Some frogs have highly specialized needs that are hard to meet in a home environment. If you’re a beginner or lack experience with amphibians, these species might be overwhelming to care for properly. Here are a few frogs you should think twice about before bringing them into your home.

Poison Dart Frog


Poison Dart Frogs are known for their striking color patterns, but they require very specific care to thrive in captivity. These frogs produce toxins in the wild to protect themselves, though they do not produce them in captivity. However, they still need precise environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, to stay healthy. Due to their delicate nature and unique requirements, they are best left to experienced frog keepers.

Surinam Toad


The Surinam Toad is known for its flat, leaf-like appearance and fascinating reproductive habits. Females carry fertilized eggs on their backs until the tadpoles are ready to develop into young toads. These toads require a large tank with both water and land areas, as they are aquatic. Although interesting to observe, Surinam Toads require more care and experience than most beginner pet owners can provide.

Asian Horned Frog


The Asian Horned Frog is an impressive species with distinctive horns on its head, but it is not an ideal pet for beginners. These frogs are primarily terrestrial and need a spacious tank with hiding spots for security. Predatory animals, including smaller animals, may try to eat anything that moves. Due to their aggressive feeding habits and special care requirements, they are better suited for experienced amphibian enthusiasts.

Choosing The Right Frog For Your Home


Choosing the right frog species is essential for a positive pet experience. Researching each species’ care needs, habitat requirements, and temperament helps you make an informed decision. While some frogs need specific conditions, others are low-maintenance and perfect for beginners. By selecting the right species, you can enjoy the fascinating experience of keeping a frog while ensuring it thrives in a healthy, happy environment. Your frog can become a unique and rewarding companion for years with proper care and attention.