5 Reasons Grooming Is Vital To Your Dog’s Health

While most dog owners get their dogs groomed to keep them looking their best, many overlook just how important proper grooming is. Grooming is an integral part of your dog’s health and well-being and even a short-coated dog can suffer from a lack of grooming.

The amount of grooming your pooch will need depends on their coat type, but adequate grooming is important for all dogs. Whether you take your pup to the groomer or tackle the task yourself, keep in mind why grooming is so important.

Related: The 9 Best Clippers for Grooming

#1 – Prevent Fleas & Ticks

Perhaps one of the main reasons to bathe your dog is to prevent flea and tick infestations. Although bathing alone is not enough to get rid of these nasty pests, it will help you spot them and will kill the ones on your dog. Once you know they’re there, you can remove them safely and take further action to eliminate the pests.

#2 – Eliminate Discomfort

Grooming eliminates discomfort in many ways. First, brushing is something that feels very good to most dogs. With the right brush, your pup will feel like they’re getting a nice massage while you remove dead hair, stimulate new growth, and bring your pup’s natural oils to their skin.

Further, it helps prevent matting on longer coats. If your dog’s coat does matt easily, removing those matts will help your pup feel better. Matting pulls on the skin and coat and is not only painful but often the cause of sores. Removing dirt and debris out of your dog’s coat will also make them more comfortable, prevent further matting, and replenish their skin and coat.

#3 – Protect Feet & Joints

Nail trimming is probably one of the most overlooked parts of general dog care. But long nails aren’t just an eyesore, they are unhealthy and uncomfortable for your dog as well. First, nails that are too long force your dog to change their gait. Long nails make your dog start walking on sides of their feet. This is not only painful, but it causes bone deformations and arthritis if left untreated. Some dogs even have nails that grow all the way into their footpads, which is extremely painful.

No matter how difficult it is to trim your dog’s nails, it must be done. It is so important to keep them at a correct, natural length to prevent long-term damage.


#4 – Keep Ear Infections Away

Dogs need their ears cleaned regularly, especially those prone to ear infections. Dogs have hair in their ears that often needs to be plucked, although this is more common in long-coated dogs than others. Still, keeping the inside of your pup’s ears clean will prevent ear infections, ear mites and other ailments. Plus, it’ll help your pooch feel more comfortable.

#5 – Check for Abnormalities

One of the great benefits of grooming is that you or your regular groomer will become more familiar with the marks on your dog’s skin. You’ll soon be able to quickly feel any underlying lumps and bumps and spot any changes on your dog’s skin, should something go awry. Early detection is important for all diseases, so using regular grooming to help go over your dog’s body will improve your chances of finding anything abnormal early on.