

Kisses’ Inspiring Rescue and Recovery

Animal Aid Unlimited, a dedicated rescue organization, sprang into action after being alerted by villagers about an injured dog in distress. The villagers had tied him to a tree to ensure he wouldn’t wander off, safeguarding him until rescuers could…

K9 Pup Brody Naps Through Swearing-In, Steals Hearts

In a ceremony that brought smiles to many, Brody, the Bristol Police Department’s newest K9 therapy dog, officially joined the force. While most recruits would be standing at attention during their swearing-in, little Brody had other plans—he napped his way…

From Neglect to Therapy Dog of the Year

Aladdin’s journey began with heartbreak. Severely starved and neglected, he arrived at a shelter in dire condition. But despite his difficult past, Aladdin’s gentle spirit and love for people shone through. His ability to trust and connect with humans, even…

From Starved to Loved in His Forever Home

Odie’s story is one of unimaginable neglect and resilience. For seven long years, he endured life on a chain, deprived of proper food, care, and freedom. His skeletal frame and desperate hunger were stark reminders of the abuse he had…