Heartwarming Moment Gorilla Mom Welcomes Baby with Kisses and Hugs

She won the hearts of millions of people with her first actions toward her newborn baby!

The birth of a baby is nothing short of miraculous, and it becomes even more extraordinary when witnessed in the animal kingdom. Calaya, a western lowland gorilla, recently gave birth to her first baby, and the entire awe-inspiring event was captured on camera for the world to see.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Reproduction Live TV / via YouTube

Inside her enclosure, Calaya delivered her baby boy completely on her own. The footage captures the tender moment when this devoted mother instinctively pulls her newborn close, embracing him with gentle kisses. Her display of “humanlike” love and care has touched the hearts of millions who have watched the video online.

As humans, we share 98% of our DNA with gorillas, and moments like these highlight just how connected we truly are. Calaya’s maternal instinct and affectionate bond with her baby remind us of the universal love that transcends species.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Reproduction Live TV / via YouTube

Gorillas are majestic creatures deserving of our protection and admiration. It’s essential to ensure their survival and give them the opportunity to thrive in their natural habitats and conservation environments.

Click the video below to watch Calaya give birth to her first baby and then hug the baby!

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