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Popular articles about pets

Queen Elizabeth’s Corgis Await Her Final Homecoming

Wild Elephant Freed from Pond in China

Emotional Reunion: Family Finds Dog Missing for 10 Months

Loyal Puppy Visits Grandma’s Grave Every Time Without Fail

Adorable Tug-of-War Showdown: Jack Russell vs. Bernese Mountain Dog

Abandoned Pit Bull Rescued from Shipping Yard Finds a Forever Chance

Max the ‘Yellow Labmarine’ Overcomes Obesity to Become a Water-Loving Superdog

Cat Sneaks Out and Surprises Family After 12 Hours

Heroic Kitten Saves Family from Carbon Monoxide Danger

Over 100 Dogs Celebrate Love at Adorable Wedding Ceremony

Watch How These Heroic Dogs Save the Day and Bring a Lost Child Home Safely

Blind and Deaf Dog Finds Love in a Home That Embraces Her Perfectly

Abandoned Dog Finds His Perfect Home for the Rest of His Life

Recovering Addict and Rescue Dog Find Redemption Together

Abandoned Pit Bull Finds Forever Home and a Loving Companion Until the End

Abandoned Dog and Injured Kitten Share a Remarkable Second Chance Together

Soldier’s Heartwarming Reunion With His Loyal Dog Will Move You to Tears

Heartbroken Baby Otter Finds Hope After Dramatic Beach Rescue

Abused Mama Dog Reunites with Her Puppies, Finds Hope Again