25 Scents Squirrels And Chipmunks Can’t Stand


Squirrels and chipmunks may seem cute with their fluffy tails and tiny paws, but it’s time to take action when they turn your garden into their personal buffet. These little critters rely on their heightened sense of smell to guide their foraging, nesting, and digging behaviors. Interestingly, certain odors are so overwhelming to them that they’ll avoid your yard altogether. Using these scents strategically can effectively deter squirrels and chipmunks, protecting your garden and ensuring your outdoor space remains intact and pest-free.

Peppermint Oil


Peppermint oil is one of nature’s most effective squirrel and chipmunk repellents. The sharp, minty aroma is too much for their sensitive noses, sending them running in the other direction. Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them around entry points, bird feeders, or any area these critters frequent. Mix the oil with water in a spray bottle for wider coverage and mist it around your garden and patio.



The pungent scent of garlic drives squirrels and chipmunks away. Its sulfur compounds irritate these animals, creating an unpleasant barrier around your property. Crush garlic cloves and scatter them in garden beds or near common entry points. You can also make a garlic-infused spray for larger areas. Combining garlic with chili powder can give you double the deterrent power.

Cayenne Pepper


Cayenne pepper works wonders when keeping squirrels and chipmunks at bay. Its intense heat and spicy aroma are too much for these critters to handle. Dust cayenne pepper on the soil, bird feeders, or along fences to create an invisible repellent. Mix it with water and a few drops of dish soap to prolong the effect, then spray it around your garden. Just be careful—this spice is potent!

Black Pepper


Black pepper’s strong, spicy aroma is a major turn-off for squirrels and chipmunks. When sprinkled around your garden, flower beds, or patio, the scent irritates their sensitive noses and keeps them from hanging around. Mix black pepper with water to create an easy-to-apply spray. Reapply frequently, especially if it rains, to maintain its effectiveness.

Chili Powder


Chili powder is another spice that works wonders for repelling squirrels and chipmunks. Its fiery scent overwhelms their senses and discourages them from nibbling on your plants. Sprinkle it generously around your yard, or mix it with water to create a spray. Though effective, your garden might start to smell like a spicy kitchen experiment.

Coffee Grounds


Used coffee grounds aren’t just great for your morning cup of joe but are also an excellent squirrel and chipmunk deterrent. Their bitter, strong aroma masks the smell of food sources and keeps these rodents away. Scatter coffee grounds in your garden beds or vegetable patches for a natural, eco-friendly solution. Plus, the grounds enrich your soil, making this method a win-win.

Citrus Peels


The fresh scent of citrus peels may be pleasant to humans, but squirrels and chipmunks hate it. Orange, lemon, and lime peels can be scattered around your yard to form an effective natural barrier. Rub the peels on hard surfaces like fences or pots for extra potency. Combining citrus peels with essential oils intensifies the repellent effect.



Onions are an inexpensive and natural way to keep squirrels and chipmunks away. Their pungent aroma and sulfur compounds irritate these animals’ sensitive noses. Slice onions and scatter them around your garden or near entry points. An onion juice spray also works well to cover larger areas, but you’ll need to reapply after rain.

Peppermint Plants


While peppermint is refreshing for humans, squirrels and chipmunks find it overwhelming. Plant peppermint in pots or use peppermint essential oil to create a spray to keep these critters at bay. The natural oils are potent, leaving your yard smelling fresh and invigorating while keeping pests away.

Eucalyptus Oil


Eucalyptus oil has a strong, menthol-like scent that squirrels and chipmunks cannot stand. This potent aroma irritates their sensitive noses, making them steer clear of areas where the oil is present. Soak cotton balls in eucalyptus oil and place them around your garden, bird feeders, or entry points for an easy-to-apply deterrent.

Apple Cider Vinegar


The sharp, acidic smell of apple cider vinegar is a major turn-off for squirrels and chipmunks. To discourage them from returning, spray diluted vinegar around your plants, garden beds, or other areas where these critters frequent. Soaking rags in vinegar and leaving them in problem areas creates a long-lasting deterrent.

Predator Urine (Fox, Coyote, or Bobcat)


Squirrels and chipmunks are prey animals, so the scent of predator urine signals danger to them. They instinctively flee areas where they detect the presence of predators. Spraying commercial predator urine around the perimeter of your yard, near trees, or around nesting areas will make them feel unsafe and encourage them to move elsewhere.

Mustard Powder


Mustard powder has a strong, spicy scent that squirrels and chipmunks find irritating. A light dusting around plants, garden beds, or bird feeders will make these critters think twice before entering. It’s an easy and natural solution to keep them away, though you may need to reapply it periodically.



Fennel’s licorice-like aroma is unappealing to many rodents, including squirrels and chipmunks. This herb works well when planted in your garden or placed around entry points. Its strong scent makes it an excellent natural barrier, ensuring that these critters won’t linger near your plants or foraging areas.



The strong, spicy scent of cloves repels squirrels and chipmunks. You can use ground cloves or whole cloves to create a powerful deterrent around your yard. The smell of cloves interferes with the rodents’ ability to smell food, preventing them from foraging in your garden. You can sprinkle them around problem areas or even use clove oil for a more concentrated effect.

Bay Leaves


Bay leaves have a slightly bitter, aromatic scent that keeps small rodents away. Their natural compounds confuse the critters’ sense of smell, making detecting food harder. Place dried bay leaves around your garden, near outdoor structures, or in attics as a natural deterrent.



The warm, spicy scent of cinnamon works as a natural repellent for squirrels and chipmunks. Sprinkling ground cinnamon around your garden or bird feeders will create an unpleasant environment for these critters. The smell lingers for a while, but you may need to reapply it after rain or strong winds.



Marigolds emit a strong, pungent aroma that squirrels and chipmunks dislike. These flowers act as a natural repellent, preventing the critters from foraging in your garden. Plant marigolds around your yard, or use marigold essential oil to create a fragrant repellent spray that keeps pests away.



Turmeric has a distinct aroma that squirrels and chipmunks find unpleasant. Sprinkling turmeric powder around garden beds, trees, or bird feeders will discourage these animals from lingering in your yard. This natural solution is safe for plants and offers an organic way to protect your garden.



Thyme’s earthy fragrance overwhelms squirrels and chipmunks, disrupting their ability to find food. Plant thyme around your garden, or use dried thyme to create a natural repellent. This herb is a pleasant addition to your garden, offering both beauty and function.

Rubbing Alcohol


The sharp scent of rubbing alcohol is too overpowering for squirrels and chipmunks. To keep them at bay, dab rubbing alcohol on cotton balls and place them in areas prone to rodent activity. Be sure to refresh the cotton balls regularly for continued effectiveness.



The fresh, citrusy scent of lemongrass is a natural squirrel and chipmunk repellent. These critters dislike the oils in lemongrass, making it an effective tool for keeping them away. You can plant lemongrass or use its essential oil in a homemade spray to create a barrier around your garden.



Basil’s strong, peppery scent repels squirrels and chipmunks, disrupting their ability to sniff out food. Grow basil around your garden or use dried basil in repellent mixtures to create an effective deterrent. This herb is both practical and aromatic, making it an excellent addition to any yard.



Rosemary’s woody scent confuses squirrels and chipmunks, making your garden less appealing to them. Plant rosemary around your yard, or place dried sprigs in problem areas to discourage these critters from visiting. This hardy plant will add beauty and fragrance to your garden while keeping pests at bay.



Lavender’s soothing floral aroma is overpowering for squirrels and chipmunks. Though it’s calming for humans, it’s a major deterrent for these critters. Plant lavender around your garden, or use dried lavender or essential oils to protect specific areas from unwanted visitors.

Winning The Battle With Scents


Using these smells to repel squirrels and chipmunks isn’t just effective—it’s also a humane and natural solution for protecting your garden. While the aromas may not be your favorites, they’ll make these pesky rodents think twice before invading your space. By strategically using these fragrant deterrents, you can safeguard your yard without causing harm to the animals. Regain control of your outdoor space with these simple and natural methods—squirrels and chipmunks won’t stand a chance at becoming unwelcome guests in your garden!